I'll echo Bobs vision here...
My familys picture rests in the center console of my workvan always readily visible..
I have a 4 year old son.. I've already had to blank off the receptacles in his room & put a couple at 5' because he seems to be showing too much interest in them for my comfort level... But as my mom tells me.. "That's where I started!"
Alas, if this is the road my son chooses to go.. I'll be more than proud to show him the ropes... But I want the option for other things to always be open... & college in 14 years
will not be cheap!!
The company I'm with pays very well... & the benefits are pretty good as well. This also goes hand in hand with the fact that as a service technician, I handle everything from my own bidding, troubleshooting, client interactions & finally payments... I've come across people from every walk of life, every race, every religion... Some are easier to deal with than others for sure.. But it points out one certainty... The world will always need electricians!
As long as there are computers, as long as there are FPE & Zinsco panels still in existance, as long as people want to be able to see what they're doing past 6pm... IMO this is one of the best trades to have for job security... To me, this makes all the tightwads & other general idiots we deal with "water under the bridge".. If someone doesn't like what I want, to do what they want... C'est la vie! I walk away & on to the next.. This happens all of maybe 10% of the time at the most... for me at least..
What it boils down to is that I have the security of knowing that my trade will never in my lifetime, become unnecessary.. I'll have a paycheck at the end of the week, & for the most part, people I come across are good people! I certainly don't like everything about our trade, but there's more to like than not to like.. The best thing is there's ALWAYS something to be learned! Nobody ever knows everything about our trade.. This keeps me intrigued... Coming across all the cool old gear & equiptment keeps me entertained... Not to mention the "hack" wiring that I ponder wondering "What the *%@# was that guy thinking?!?!" While I'd LOVE to win the lottery & lay my toolbelt to rest, I can't imagine another job I'd rather be doing!
PS... Being able to come to ECN & know what 95% of the people here are talking about is just a bonus! Not to mention having something as cool as ECN to say you're a part of! I kinda doubt the drywallers have anything NEAR this cool
Besides... Chicks dig electricians!
[This message has been edited by Lostazhell (edited 05-20-2004).]