Times to use PPE, and type of protection:
1. Circuit breaker or fused switch operation with covers on, <240v: safety glasses(SG)
2. Cb or FW operation with covers off, <240v: SG
3. CB or FS or starter operation with enclosure doors closed >240v: SG
4. CB or FS or starter operation with enclosure doors open > 240v: gloves(G), hardhat(HH), FR coveralls(FR C), safety glasses(SG)
5. Work on energized parts, including voltage testing < 240v: G,HH,FR C, SG
6. Work on energized parts, including voltage testing >240v: G, HH, FR C, SG
7. Removal of bolted covers (to expose bare, energized parts) <240v: G, HH, FR C, SG
8. Removal of bolted covers (to expose bare, energized parts) >240: G, HH, FR C, SG
9. Opening hinged covers (to expose bare, energized parts) <240v: SG
10. Opening hinged covers (to expose bare, energized parts)>240v: G, HH, FR C, SG
11. Work on control circuits with energized parts <120v: G, HH, SG
12. Work on control circuits with energized parts >120v: G, HH, FR C, SG
13. Insertion or removal of invidual starter "buckets" from MCC >240v: G, HH, FR C, SG
14. Cable trough or tray cover removal or installation >240v: G, HH, FR C, SG
15. Miscellaneous equipment cover removal or installation >240v: G, HH, FR C, SG
16. Removal of bolted covers on small transformers >240v: G, HH, FR C, SG
I used the NFPA standard to make this list for my department's use. This should cover everything my department will do. I purchased FR coveralls which are worn over a 100% cotton shirt, and jeans. Wearing the coveralls seems to be a way to provide the most protection for this type of work. I don't have the calorie rating of these coveralls handy, but can get them if needed.
Follow the NFPA standard, and you should be well covered, so to speak!
Rick Miell