With my mobile home, I had to install an external disconnecting means within 30 ft of my the mobile, with 2 ground rods there, and 4 wire to the mobile home. Within the home, the house panel neaded the neutral and ground to be seperated and treated like a sub-panel. My "service" was a combination service entrance and breaker box, I mounted on the pole that was quite some distance away from the ext disconnect. from that service I ALSO ran 2" pipe another 60 feet away to another ext. sub panel for a future shed / work station fed with size 4 copper. for welding and large 240 volt tool aplications, as well as a street light I installed on the pole itself. " I paid for the pole, and installed it" not the utility co. The Ext box for the mobile home service disconnect that is within 30 ft' of my house, also has breaker slots within it, so I can feed a hot tub off of this at a later date, instead of going through my int. house panel. even though it too is rated at 200 amp. I lucked out, my mobile home, 19 81 vintage is in great shape and uses all square D and leviton devices.
I also ran over kill, 4/0 4/0 2/0 and a ground (left over size 4 copper from the shed feed) for the whole thing. This was a year ago before the prices really jumped sky high. Within a few years I plan to move on, and use this as a rental property, as long as it survives, then replace the mobile with a workshop in it's place. Hope this helps.....a lil? Take care Brian