Me and a buddy bought a house to fix up and sell and hopefully makes some $$$. most of the repairs are cosmetic, but there are a few minor electrical things that need to be done. tyhe biggest thing was installing GFCIs at all required outlets. bathrooms and garage went fine, but when i got to the kitchen i found something funny. there are 4 countertop duplex recepticals. each duplex is split so that it's recepticals are on two different circuits. Of course this cannot be done on a GFCI, so i ended up putting two of the GFCIs on one circuit and the other two on the second ciruit.
My question is: before the days of GFCI was it common to have split circuit recepticals in the kitchen? i have never seen this before. also, this is a multiwire circuit but it is not on a double pole breaker. I know this is against code with split recepticals. However since i have eliminated the split recepticals, is it OK now or do i have to put a 2 pole breaker in?
Also, this house does not appear to have a main disconnect in the 200A breaker panel. there is no seperate main disconnect. I have not opened it up yet to inspect whats going on inside. However, i suspect that the main wires are just connected to the bus bars. Were there any panels designed to work this way, or was the origional electrician too cheap to put in a main breaker?