I got some kind of cryptic message that my server does not allow some kind of log on but it went away and everything seems OK now. If I see it again I will copy it.
Your server does not appear to allow remote content through the PHP "file_get_contents" function (see the "allow_url_fopen" setting information at UBBWiki); as such, your server does not support the Stop Forum Spam functionality.
It only happens on initial log in and if you go down the the log in box you get in but the message pops up one more time, then it seems to go away.
It's referring to my Host server. I just moved from one VPS to another and still have a few tweaks that need to be fixed. I'm working thru them one at a time.
It took a few days for Inmotion to make the migration and then they had to update the OS. I saw everything was copied over to the new server but then (eventually...) realized their DNS was still pointing to the old server. So, it's been an experience.