Stay with aluminum on O/H feeders.
Copper weighs a ton.
We take it for granted that you've installed O/H feeders before.
If not, there's some learning to be had.
1) Robust anchor points
2) Weather factors (wind, icing,...)
3) Getting up there and working safely (bucket truck?)
4) Crew size
5) Clearances (local rules dominate)
6) Building entry
7) Are you in a mandatory Underground zone?
(Prior installations can be deceptive. The AHJ can insist on underground (new) feeders based upon (recent) local zoning. Out my way, O/H feeders are prohibited. Only the Poco has O/H transmission lines.)
A mere seventy-feet of PVC would have me going underground -- not overhead -- unless the ground was brutal. I'd just rent a trencher.
Last edited by Tesla; 04/09/14 05:55 PM.