Hi, I have a 2" pvc conduit that runs from 200A meter base to interior basement wall. I have the 2" pvc conduit under the garage pad and comes up above the pad before going over foundation into panel. There are 3 90's in the run and I am going to pull 3/0 RW90 copper. I know I can use 2/0 if I want to. Just curious what others would use in this set up?
I wasn't aware that you could use RW90 underground, so I looked it up on the Nexans website and son of a beech, you can. Thanks for the info.
As for options,you can use T90 (then you will need 3/0) or USEI (here you'll need 4/0). You can also reduce the size of your neutral. How long is the run? Why do you want to oversize the conductors?
BTW, in Ontario we don't run a bonding conductor between the meter base and the panel.