Thanks, JV - Yes, I've seen that diagram you refer to and it shows a simple SPST switch in series with Cap. Since I posted yesterday,I've found more info (The motor is about 1,000 miles away & I'm not sure if the chap I'm helping even has an ohmmeter...yikes!)
We think this trolley motor is wired internally to receive 110VAC single voltage only, because of my next sentence.
There are two run windings in parallel; one pair of winding ends are marked T1 and T3, the other winding ends are marked T2 and T4. These are brought out of the housing with a Black wire (T1 and T3) and a Red/Black wire (T2 and T4).
The one end of Start winding marked T5 comes out of motor with a White wire; the other end of Start winding is marked T8 internally, and goes to one side of Cap. The other wire from Cap goes to what is correctly called the Stationary Switch and is marked J "something", can't quite tell what it is.
Also from the Stationary Switch come two wires; one is labled J10, the other is labled J11. J10 comes out of motor with a Red wire, J11 comes out of motor with a White/Black wire.
There is also an external Blue wire and Orange wire which go to "Thermostat"; I'm assuming the thermostat is buried within the stator and is to be wired in series with L1 ???
I'm not too keen on external wire colours; they can be unique to the actual motor. I included them here on a whim they'd be useful. Sorry for the long post, wish I could plant a drawing in here.