Hello all,
I am looking for a good Disk Formatting Utility (Uninstaller), to re-format my Wife's Drive on Her new Dell Machine.
Reason: Vista is way too annoying, and I want to completely remove the Vista O.S., then install XP.
Not sure if these Utilities are like they were back in the days (1990's to early 2000's), so if anyone has suggestions, please let me know.
Do not want to use Vista's FORMAT routine (DOS Command), as this will result in the drive retaining Vista via the Format.
I want to make the drive like I just bought it - totally Boot Track and O.S. free - just high level Formatted
(if you installed the drive, hooked everything up, made sure BIOS knows what it is, then let the machine go past POST, you see the message brought up at Interrupt 80: "Non-System Disk - Reboot").
Again, any suggested Uninstall Utilities that are stable + reliable would be greatly appreciated.
Price is not very critical - I am willing to spend upto $80.00 if the Utility is what I need.
Thanks in advance!!!
*** Now, For My Tirade!!! ***< 10 INITIATE TIRADE.EXE: TIRADE.BAT = 1 >
I don't know where Microsoft was going with Vista, only that someone was smoking a LOT of Crack!!!

Besides the normal irritating issues of endless warnings that
"Virii MAY Exist - Vista does not trust you enough to play on your own PC, Bring in the Micro biological Police!!!",
there are several real serious, productivity loss Application issues.
Several very stable, important, and most of all - EXPENSIVE Applications which worked excellent on XP (Home + Pro) - even with Win 98, will either;
* Not be allowed to install (Install Routine not accepted by Vista because of signature),
* If installed, Applications will not execute - no matter how much tweaking is done!
Microsoft does not offer anything regarding these issues - only to update to a Vista Certified version.
No vendors have patches for these issues, only offer to sell the most current version, with Vista Compatibility.
Another issue which drove me nuts was setting up a Network Printer (connected to a Print Server, not connected to another PC).
Known working Server / Printer (worked on all OS from W98 through XP).
Can set it up and print a test page (after going through a lot more work than really is necessary!!!).
After closing the Printers Window from Control Panel, the Printer becomes "Offline" - and cannot be reset to "Online" , no matter what you try!!!
Only deleting the Printer, rebooting, then reinstalling the printer will get another test page to print.
Closing the Printers Window, once again sets that printer to "Offline" - unable to make "Online".
No print from an application (spools and held in Print Manager - for ever!), and if the Printers Window is reopened, printing a test page does nothing (with or without the Print Queue empty!).
Way too frustrating!!!
My Wife and I bought the new Machine from Dell - which at the time of purchase, did not offer the Machine with XP as the Operating System.
We figured there would be some issues, as Vista is a new OS, and is most likely the first release (end-user bug finding test version!) - but we never expected this much trouble!
So, until we format the drive and install XP, she is using her old Celeron-Based Machine to work on important stuff, and the new PC with Vista is only used to play Pogo games and Solitaire!!! (oh, E-mail too!)
< 9990 TIRADE MODE = 1 >
< 10000 = A$ >
< A$ = EXIT RAGE MODE "YES" = 1, "NO" = 0 >
< IF 10000 = 1, THEN TIRADE MODE = 0, ELSE GOTO 10 >
Well, thanks for reading my Tirade! I feel better now!