Call bells have a cancel button on the room panel and the desk.If the pendent is pulled from the wall or bad it will also call the desk and can't be canceled,replace it first.A system rest is usually done by shutting down and restarting the system.I try to cancel it at both ends replace the pendent and check the light bulbs above the door,then reset the system.If it's a maxi vox the in room board can blow a resister if an above door light is out and a call is triggered.It was a defective pin in the in room boards connector and Maxi vox knows about it.The ground MUST be checked and terminated as it will fry the board and or not work right on any system ive seen so far.
So the pendent and above door lights can trigger a constant call until replaced.
Last edited by frank; 01/10/08 07:11 PM.