I have noticed that employess of these flat rate companies are un happy and looking for new jobs,I think with their system the employees see all the prices for the jobs.
Trevman...it depends on the company. Remember, each company (whether Nexstar, ESI, Mr. Sparky, Mr. Electric, etc) is independently owned, not corporate. So the pay and actual job requirements are up to the individual company to create.
I will say, that if done correctly, it's a great system for all involved.
I personally know technicians who earn $100,000+ per year doing residential service work.
Where the issue is, and where the unhappiness occurs, is that these techs see the money the company is earning (because they know all the prices) and think they should earn more. Or that they can go out on their own and earn all the money.
They don't fathom, and haven't been taught, what the companies true operating expenses are. They don't know that the company spends $300,000 yr in advertising to generate enough calls to let them sell what they sell.
The other issue that pops up a lot is burnout. Most guys will do this type of system for a few years, then get burned out. (note, these guys will go out on their own for a few years, and get burned out as well...then go work for someone else) So they look for a job where they don't have to do as much. Just show up, pull some wire, and go home.
It takes a different type of person to be a service technician for one of these companies. Not everyone has the drive or the desire to do it. If you are simply looking to go to work, do what you are told, collect a paycheck and go home...you will be miserable doing this type of work.
My point? There are a few reasons guys are unhappy at these companies.