jjj, isn't there a local EC on this project that can help you with your question? The newest NEC is 2005 and bedroom outlet requirements have not changed since 2002, CA may or may not have addopted either yet.
Many AHJs are requiring AFCI protection for all bedroom recepticle circuits. In '08, looks like this may propogate into all circuits in the house.
Always ask your inspector or planning department if you have any doubt - remember that local authority trumps NEC - NEC is not law, only a guideline for lawmakers.
AFCI protection for bedrooms is not just a local AHJ thing, NEC 210.12 requires all 15 & 20A outlets in bedrooms to be AFCI protected, including lighting and smoke alarm outlets as well as receptacle outlets.
There is a lot of resistance in the trade, though, and some AHJs choose not to strictly enforce this, or the local laws ammend it. But if your inspector requires it, well, not much you can do but comply!
The '99 NEC calls for AFCI on circuits feeding receptacle outlets in bedrooms, '02 changed it to circuits feeding (any) outlets and the '08 will call for AFCI on all 15 and 20 amp circuits in the entire dwelling...period.
Here in Chicago the calendar says 2007, but they're enforcing AFCI on the receptacle circuits only, but they're also looking at your "home office" to see if it might really be turned into a bedroom to decide if they'll insist on AFCI for that room too.