The truly paranoid will have Zone Alarm, Ad-aware, PCcillin Anti Virus and Norton Antivrus on their machine to avoid the problems such as viri and spy-ware.
I, personally, won't run my machine without a firewall (Zone Alarm).
As far as cookies, ECN is mostly harmless, and yes, cookies are used, however, I still stick to my theory that it is an internal setting on his machine, not a setting on ECN that isn't allowing the use of said cookies.
Plus, I bet if one were to go to their cookie folder, they'd be surprised how much is on it even without posting or typing anything! (CTRL-F, type in cookies, hit search...)
Plus, the truly truly paranoid would also type their email address as such:
Rather than:
Which is the one thing you can do to really avoid spam.
As far as my experience, I've been on the Web for about 10 years, and I've had little problems, a few viri, and very little spam.
My main problem is spyware, which, without adaware, one would never know they had a problem.
The truly, truly, truly paranoid would unplug their machine for good.
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[This message has been edited by sparky66wv (edited 10-13-2002).]