Lord help you, it's all I do now. You make certain that whatever you design meets the RFP (Request for Proposal for all you non DB types
) and that the client is certain you have their interest as primary.
If you over design, which is a natural tendency, you will be over priced. DB is the best avenue for change orders that was ever used.
I'm involved on the other end, I approve design/spec, then insure code compliance while assessing schedule. I make no noise for spec because in DB, you can change spec in 30 day cycles as long as you meet the code and RFP. I simply point out you did not meet the spec (with an NCN if it really ticks me off) and wait for the change.
That is how you protect your price, design for the minimum and expect the client to issue the change notices. Be very careful of codes though, I'm sure the RFP states to meet all applicable codes. I just nailed a guy on NFPA 101 where we used battery back up for emergency egress - it requires an average of 1 fc and he wasn't close, probably the only time it did not involve a change order.
Pay attention to the weekly progress meetings and listen to the inspection/engineering CM teams concerns. I don't mean do everything they say, but if their legitimate address them, do not simply blow them off.
If this is your first, and you get it, hang on cowboy, you're in for a wild ride, but ya get used to it.
Sorry guys. NCN = Non-Compliance Note, CM = Construction Management.
BTW - before everyone thinks I'm a complete jurque (high priced jerk) I notified the contractor (at those damned weekly meetings) that I felt the lighting was insufficient in that area for egress and asked to see his photometrics. He pretty much blew me off and said he was the one who knew what he was doing. I pursued with RFI's (Request for Information.......geeez this thing has a language of it's own don't it
)and he still blew me off. I waited until all the lights were hung, drywall up and finished, and took a light meter in there at 4 am, THEN wrote an NCN. NOW it's a lot more difficult to do what he has to the code.
[This message has been edited by George Corron (edited 08-16-2002).]