I would imagine that the person was under some impression that the normal Residential customer pays the power company for KVA, rather than for KW - hence the installation of Power Factor Correction.
Have heard many persons brag about this before, stating that they are "Cheating" the power company. When I ask how, they go into a discussion about a subject that, as they say "I [I being me] have no idea about this term called Reactive Power", so they explain the whole thing [quite poorly, might I add
If the person is really arrogant, I'll let them dig a huge hole, then I'll quickly bury them with non-arguable facts!
If the person is just mistaken, mis-led, or nice, I'll keep them from digging the hole.
Seems that the good 'ol "It cost a Nickel each time you flick that light switch on and off" falls in the same groove as this one.
I'll bait someone into that Nickel one, then explain how many times the Rotating Register would have to spin in order to equal a Nickel's worth of Wattage.
At home, I'll put the person right in front of the KWH meter, then flick on and off a Decora 1 pole switch that's close enough to the meter/main. That one gets very fast results!!
P.S. the Decora Rocker switch makes it easy to rapidly flick the switch on and off.
The wager is: I'll give you $5.00 if the first dial moves a complete number after I have repeatedly turned on/off that same switch over a period of 1 minute.
[I do make sure that the Electric Stove and / or Oven isn't on also..].
In maybe 10 years of playing that one out, I have yet to pay off!! It's never moved that much, even with a high load going!
Anyhow, if you have the chance to find a KWH meter with a Rr of 1, run 200 watts worth of Incandescent lighting through it, and note the speed.
Next, run 200 VA worth of Fluorescent lighting through it, and note the speed.
Lastly, run a motor with a load equal to 200 Watts [0.268 horsepower], note the speed of the meter and the current flowing into the load. the motor will have maybe 3 or more amps at 120 VAC flowing, while producing the 0.268 HP, so here will demonstrate the PF involved.
They will all spin the Meter the same speed!
If a KWH meter with a Rr of 1 is not available, make due with whatever possible.
My KWH meter has a Rr of 13 7/9, and it's kind of hard to use it for direct tests!!
Scott SET
[This message has been edited by Scott35 (edited 07-04-2004).]