Here's a couple of goofy pictures I found going through my stuff. Very resourceful, if not downright ridiculous
1st-A big, nice Carrier A/C on the roof. Drain waters flower.
2nd- Condensate drips into old belly pan salvaged from fluorescent strip fixture, runs into funnel. From funnel into hose into a piece of 3/4" EMT (setscrew coups and all). It drains out the end of EMT into a floor drain (via an LB) Sorry I didn't get it all.
[This message has been edited by electure (edited 10-25-2004).]
Well, it was a window/wall unit, until the advancement in technology that allowed it to become an office celing unit. (btw), it was connected to a 1 pole 30amp and a one pole 40amp c/b on opposite corners of the panel that just happened to have 208V between them. I have no idea how they controlled that AC unless they shut off one or the other of them. The best scenario did happen. Less than 2 hrs after I disconnected the power the whole office was in a dumpster, AC and all.
In SoCA, very little construction demo sees its way to a landfill. Demo is taken South, where all of it sees reuse, They even straighten out bent nails and reuse them. Nothing is wasted. The Mexican laws prohibit taking any trash across the border, but if it's for reuse, it's not trash. (btw, the top pic is from Baja CA. As you can see, they don't think in quite the same way as we do)