... all come to mind!
I can almost invision what occured when you first arrived on-site:
[*] This cannot be the place! Must have turned to the North, instead of South... I'll try looking on the South blocks... ,
[*] OK, no address exists in the South block, so the job must be near this apparent Demo job...,
[*] OK, the only address match with sign requiring energizing has to be in this general area...,
[*] OK, something is plainly wrong here! Call Office to verify whazzup...,
[*] ---conversation on phone---" This IS the Remodeled Office!??!... Geez, I would hate to see what it looked like BEFORE the Remodel!!!", with an enphasis on the "even though they weren't done with their office remodel" situation being just a "tiny" understatement!
Not trying to make light of the situation, just empathyse (sp??) with you on the "Been In The Same Boat" scenario.
BTW, what did the Edison Rep. say? And what is needed to get said sign to spew out Illumination... other than a Portable Genny?
Lastly, is this location off the I-405 Freeway?