I spotted this when I pulled off a road to call a friend for directions... This is along the 217 Fwy in Goleta, CA.... I wonder what burned first here... The panel or the brush that was around it!
Electricman2, The only thing I saw in the area here was the sprinkler control cabinet to the left of this mess in the 1st pic.... Steve, The oval hole looked like a factory job, But the edges didn't appear to be rounded out, nor was there any sign of a bushing being installed... I'm going to try searching some of the local papers online & see if I can get some info on the fire cause..... That opening & the completely bbq'd phase looks suspect, except for I'd think it qould've eaten out a chunk of the opening while faulting!
Myers still is making pedestals by the gazillions. They've got a place right by our shop in Corona, CA www.myerscustom.com
Ryco (a subsidiary company) is up in Pomona, CA. I've had them actually build me switchgear on the spot while I waited in the parking lot!! A good bunch...S
(PS, except for the sickening gray/green paint )
[This message has been edited by electure (edited 07-26-2004).]
Scott, RSE Sierra in Anahiem does custom switchgear also, & they use Square D parts They've come through for me many times in a pinch! (Not to mention they won't paint it green )