It seems very "catch all", but I'd say 820.3C "Installation and Use. Section 110.3 shall apply."
"110.3B Installation and Use. Listed or labeled equipment shall be installed and used in accordance with any instructions included in the listing or labeling."
They entered chapter 3 with the use of EMT, and related fittings with thier listings and uses.
And if there is VoIP +/or cable powered telephones in use on the CATV lines, it falls into 800.48 "Where communications wire and cables are installed in a raceway, the raceway shall be either of a type permitted in Chapter 3 and installed in accordance with Chapter 3 or a listed nonmetallic raceway complying with 800.51(J), (K), or (L), as applicable, and installed in accordance with 362.24 through 362.56, where the requirements applicable to electrical nonmetallic tubing apply."
Our inspectors would just mumble "Chapter 3" and walk off. They cut a little less slack for the cabling guys every time they show up to see things like this.