We need someone to represent all us sole propritors and small shops on these issues.
Yes, absolutely. LK told me that their Contractors Assn in NJ had grown from 6 members at its beginning to >3000, and as such had considerable lobbying power.

There's 3 days of Dept. of Apprencticeship Standards meetings planned for January 24-26 at Sacramento's Radisson Hotel. Of this 3 days, 3 hours will be devoted to electrician certification issues.
DAS partying on your money?? Oh, how can you even suggest such a thing!!
Check it out!
3 hours of rigorous discussion at a place with it's own private lake is not partying!
Nor is the Apprenticeship Council's tough July quarterly meeting HERE
And to top it all off, they'll be beating their poor overworked brows in May too!
HERE . All of this suffering and sacrifice, and then we actually expect them to have to fill out one of THESE too?
Of course, matters of this importance couldn't be held in the State Building, a few miles away in San Francisco, where the DAS offices are located.

[This message has been edited by electure (edited 12-22-2006).]