The last time I got to send an apprentice off for one of these it was a "Blue handled" Sky hook. He proceeds to check out several of our material trailers, and runs into one of my sub-foreman. He tells him what he has been sent for in these HOT, METAL Con-ex boxes in the middle of August. The guy says "Oh, George is pulling your leg" "I thought so" the kid says. "Yeah, we gave the blue handled to the carpenters, we only have the red ones left" [Linked Image] The young'un proceeds to spend the next 3 hours in these ovens looking for a red handled sky hook.

The one that got ME as an apprentice, and was, of course, passed down....was an underground 4" run (only rigid in those days) for comm, we're getting ready to vac a line in...Hey George, put your ear to this pipe and let me know when you hear the mouse coming, I'll slow down. Yeah, it was awful chilly in those soaking wet clothes in October. Ya just HAD to pass that one along.