Just a little follow-up on this issue.

This morning, first person through the doors of the place was the salesman, "following up" on his earlier offer. Another amazing co-incidence.

What made me question the man's ethics was his written assessment that the obviously commercial equipment was "not suitable for commercial use."

As for water tems...that subject seem to be a little more involved. Everyone -except this salesman- seems to agree that the water need only be 120 degrees, due to the various chemicals used.

As things stand, the plumber is currently working with the utility...it appears that the water heaters are not operating properly, due to inadequate gas flow through the new meter.

This salesman was invited by the customer, as the customer realised something was wrong, and was attempting to get the problem fixed. Even the salesman should have realised that this customer would want to confront whoever sold, or installed, a faulty piece of equipment- before paying for someone else to make the same mistake all over again.

The person who invited the salesman in has had things explained to her in terms that cross over the language barrier. I strongly suspect that this clown will be "shut out" of any further business with a number of other businesses- all as a result of his "cleverness."