No Paul, i did'nt catch the English couples location.
Anyhoo.... it's as you've demostrated, more than just accent. It's how it's said, verbage or whatever. Have you been privy to 'up the stairs' intead of simply 'upstairs', or 'couple few' instead of simple few? Then there's 'Don't know how it'll sugar off' another local corker here.

It gets better when people get excited, i had to communicate with a deaf Norewiegian once on a ride with the local Ambulance...or the time we pulled a French Canadian out of a crumpeled log truck...oh yes, there was this Sweedish gent who's house was on fire some years ago. We have some basic translation books, but it's slow going....

All in all, I guess the BB has broken this barrier for us. ( That's a plug Boss!)

removes marbles from mouth... [Linked Image]