In our little town of 324 we had a parade. Half participated, the other half watched. There were as many horses as floats... Since the tranny on the fire engine is broken it was last in the parade and all fireworks were banned in the town. Not a bad idea since we just had a few hundred thousand acres of wildfire burn around us. There were fireworks in the city near us, though. Ironically they were shot from the end of the runway where the air-tankers refilled their tanks to fight the fires... They shut down the airport for the event and setup. I love small towns!!! Thanks to those who keep us safe (including the local firemen who have arranged a crew to push the firet ruck down the street in the case of a fire in the town...)
PaulUK - on the plus side for you Guiness is a domestic and MGD and Budwiser are import beers...

[This message has been edited by Mike Wescoatt (edited 07-06-2005).]

Mike Wescoatt