I have done work on a lot of these mansions in my area too, and I wonder how much use many of the owners really get out of the stuff they install, or should I say- are forced to install by the CC&R's of the (million-dollar)HOA's they belong to.. I was blown away when one owner told me that the community stipulations were that alarms and a certain amount of computer networking infrastructure in the walls was mandatory- and this in a planned community where bare lots started @ 900K. Not to denigrate the initial post in the slightest.. A fully finished tricked-out house is a sight to behold and leaves you with a sense of accomplishment and pride that feels like you just conquered Everest without using oxygen, but really, don'tcha wonder what some of these owners are really gonna do with all the bells and whistles once they've bought them? None that I have met seem to be "technical" types.