Wow arseegee, that's pretty impressive. You sound like you have it down. I do believe it too. When we did new homes we had a system too, the key is momentum. (sp?)

I wish I could put a dollar value on momentum. Then I would know how much extra to charge when the homeowner breaks it by adding something upstairs when we're in the basement already. Or when the GC insists you start roughing before some "small" but key decisions are made that could imact one switch location or how you could best layout a room.(it canbe a little more complex with EMT because of the (4) 90's rule)

Another comment about momentum. Don't underestimate how much time it can waste to have to stop and think before you do. I should rephrase that. Don't underestimate how much time you can save by thinking about what you will be doing next while doing what you are doing now. If it is already decided what you will be doing next you don't have to stop for a moment to decide what is next. by the time you get to what is next, you have already figured it out, and are thinking about what is next. You become an installation machine. Also don't underestimate how much time is wasted by being distracted, whether by phone calls or other chit-chatty people on the job. I wish I could put a dollar value on that too. I fully beleive that a 1 or 2 minute distraction that kills momentum can literally cost you as much as 30 min in this type of installion.

Arseegee, can I ask what you charged for that 1700 ft home?