... For the most part,(maybe I've been lucky)..but I've installed alot more "hugger" type fans,..which don't oscillate as if they were installed on a downrod.Knowing me,I'd get suckered into the balancing thing,not so much for the customer,but for my own fastidious tendencies,..I'm very "anal retentive" about my work,and if it don't look or behave right,I HAVE to fix it...It drives my helper crazy..We'll get done trimming out a job,and the truck is all packed up,and ready to go,and I'll go back and make sure the cover plates are straight,and the screws all go vertical....I can't help it.He calls it Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,..Maybe,..but I want it done just right....whats funny is,..I'm a slob at home.. [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

.."if it ain't fixed,don't break it...call a Licensed Electrician"