Sounds like you're on the right track. If I were you, I'd try to go for the commercial (Inside Wireman) program. The pay is better, the work more diverse, and you'll probably end up doing some of the limited energy work as well anyway. Hopefully work is moving in your area and you can stay employed consistently. The fct that they sent you letters probably means work is good enough that they can afford to take in new people. The time will go fast, and you will be a journeyman before long.

My advice is to be persistent in getting into the program, and once you're in, show that you want to learn the trade. Use your previous training to your advantage without coming across as a know-it-all or arrogant. Some people mught criticize you for being too "book-smart". If you are willing to work hard, get dirty, spend time in the ditch, they should respect that. One day you may be bending 4" rigid pipe, another day you could be terminating complex control cabinets.

Hope it works out for you!