Over here in England our equivalent of the NEC is the "I.E.E. Wiring Regulations," published by the Institute of Electrical Engineers and commonly referred to as "The I.E.E. Regs."

In a few special cases, such as factories, cinemas, and petrol (gas) stations, the Regs. are quoted by Health & Safety legislation and are therefore mandatory.

In general, however, they have no legal force and could more accurately be described as recommendations. There is no legal obligation to follow them in any private home, or in most commercial properties other than the few special cases.

There is no such thing as a licensed electrician here either, because licenses do not exist. Anyone is free to carry out work on his own property, or to set up shop as an electrician and get paid to carry out work for anyone else.

In line with this, we have no permits for electrical work, and no inspections.

How do you all feel about this? I realized before that rules in the U.S. varied somewhat from state to state, and from reading your posts on this subject I see that there is a big difference in cost of permits, how strictly the rules are enforced, etc.

Do you like the idea of little or no restriction on wiring, or do you think there should be some degree of regulation?

Bet I've set the cat among the pigeons.....