Being in the design end of the electrical world, I find it extremely important to understand the Scope of Work. Once I get that understanding, I can proceed with the design and schedule my deliverables. Therefore, I think it is imperative to make sure all parties are in agreement as to the Scope of Work to be performed. This may mean that you have a "tool box" meeting with your client just prior to beginning the work and go over your understanding of the work to be performed. On all projects, a written contract is in the best interest of both parties with the contract having an explicitly written Scope of Work with completion and payment schedules. This may sound like a lot of work for a small project under $500, but you(we) can't afford to lose the investment of time and money in any project.
My nephew tried to get into the lawn care business. I gave him similar advice, sketch out the yard and mark areas that the client wanted a particular care given and show it to the client. Fortunately, after a few misunderstandings, he got out of that business. He didn't follow my advice.
There are probably many books out there on this very subject, and I apologize for writing another book here.