I was wondering, when did certain device colors come around. I notice pre 1950s that brown was very common, possibly because it was color of bakelite. Brown did continue into the 70s. Then the 1950s had ivory which seemed to be the color of choice up until about the very late 1980s when white started showing up? Ivory still seemed pretty common until the late 90s/early 00s when white seemed to be everywhere, which seems to be the case until present day. Then the newest color almond came out which is sort of a compromise between the two.

Right now there is a Slater decorator outlet on ebay that has a woodgrain face. I have seen these from Lutron but didn't know Slater had them. It must be from the 1970s. There are also some Leviton Centura outlets which I believe was the foreunner to the Decora line. The ones on there are white, and this is coming from the late 60s.

So I guess the decorator lines from Leviton and Slater had lots of color choices, but brown and ivory were just the typical choices.