Just to play devils' advocate ... what's the problem?

Other than a general requirement that boxes be 'supported,' the NEC is silent on the support of panels. There's no rule that the bolts have to go through the back of the panel. No listing requirement that you use the provided holes, either.

With that big pipe coming out the top, the panel isn't going anywhere.

Nor does the trough require access, unless you need to access splices. Think of it as a really big LB.


Now, for a different approach ....

I've had issues with such rails before. While I admire the desire to protect equipment from traffic, access is sacrificed. Heck, I've seen similar panels behind such rails, and you were required to climb on the rail to reach the breakers. In one instance, you had to climb up to a catwalk, cross over a conveyor, then climb down another ladder. (Talk about being trapped!)

I guess that the rail is there to protect things from traffic. If so, I'd question the couple of inches that the panel projects into the traffic lane.


Part of me wants to send the management of this place a thank-you note. Such a note would read:
"thank you- for letting me know up front just how little you think of your people. It's nice to see you're too cheap to hire real pros, and that your history of hack-work is so long that folks are forced to layer new hacks atop older ones."


Inspections? Yea, right. Such places NEVER have permits and inspections. Nope .... their management are all kings, even gods, in their little universe. To them, the only thing dumber than their customers are their employees.

Such people also can't ever be bothered by rules, codes, or bothered by learning. Any issue, they automatically 'know' the solution.

I believe the word for this mindset is "hubris." Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make proud.

At least they know their betters - and are trying to imitate them ... 'them' being the Chinese!