Finding good employees.... now THAT'S a hot-button issue these days.

It seems that every employer/recruiter/scouter is almost deliberately asking for the wrong qualifications and hiring the wrong people, as part of some sort of morbid "game".

Almost weekly, I hear about some recently-hired employee gone bad; they robbed the place, injured/killed a fellow employee, or just turned out to be lazy and uninitiated.

A college degree isn't a sufficient qualification on its own... the person as a PERSON needs to be evaluated, too.
An ignorant but inspired and driven high school grad is better than a rude and lazy know-it-all with multiple degrees. Which one would you rather have as a co-worker?

Of course, that's where the problem is... there's no "proof" of a good person. Anybody can put on a show for an interview or two, then show their true colors once they're locked into the job.

The best people to hire, for insurance of good character, are friends... NOT family members or blood relatives. Research has shown this to be the case; crime/domestic violence is more likely within blood relations than between friends and acquaintances.

Last edited by NickD; 04/06/13 08:55 PM.