Maybe telling the carpenters some Bull Poo-Poo stories about all the houses you have framed, and will be framing in the near future, might have some kind of an impact to these people!

Stir in some extra Baloney about how you get paid tons of bucks - by wealthy clients - to do this; plus add a pinch of how everything is done without a permit or License; and I would bet this gets some reactions!!!

Now YOU will be hearing "Oh, now you just can't be doing this stuff!!!" and end up sending these jokers running away from any hints of messing with Electrical work - in search of these "phantom clients" with unlimited funds for construction work!!!

Something has gotta work to eliminate this nonesense! Reality and Logical thinking doesn't work, threats don't work, all the talking in the world doesn't seem to work; so it's time to try another method of attack - the "Greed factor" and "Jealousy factor" may just work!!!

Only problems I can see would be if someone can get in trouble for B.S.-ing these clowns about fictional scenarios, or if these jokers stumble across more clients while searching for the "Holy Grail Construction Account" clients!

Scott35 S.E.T.

Scott " 35 " Thompson
Just Say NO To Green Eggs And Ham!