Well, this isn't really 'fair,' since the house was built in 1957 .... but, here goes:

Found, in the past year, as remodelling progresses:
1) TO CODE, original: NO way to shut off power at the service. First opportunity after the meter is 20+ ft. inside house, as the panel;

2) REPAIR: attic fire damaged branch circuits, but somehow failed to damage the service. Branch circuits repaired with new wire and 'flying splices;'

3) Laundry room addition had extension cord disappear into the floor; under floor this was flying-spliced to some Romex, which fed an outdoor, handy-box receptacle;

4) Kitchen range circuit failed megger;

5) Added air conditioner circuit was Romex uside of flex where exposed; just Romex laying in the dirt of the crawl space for most of the run;

6) Air conditioner feed and dryer feed were triple-lugged onto the meter base;

7) For some unknown reason, virtually every receptacle had the drywall around it broken away, so that the faceplates did not cover the holes. Every (ungrounded) circuit had 3-prong receptacles; and,

8) No ground rod, and water bond missing (wire under house removed).