I'm not sort of sure of what you guys do to make a job happen, but have any of you ever had to do work that would normally be put down to "Others" as it is written in the contract.

Don't mis-construe me here, I am not talking about "stealing" work from people that should otherwise be doing it.

Reason I say this, is because during the quoting process of any commercial or industrial jobs, I will ask the designer if they need any metal-work done, be it welding, fabricating brackets,etc.
I stay right away from sheet-metal work.

Being an ex-production welder, I work on the system of building a "jig" to fit all your bits together before they are welded, the first one is always the hardest.
But from then on it gets a lot easier.

I have made custom-made switch plates by the 100's by the jig method.
It has, at the end of the day made me a lot of money doing this sort of work.
It has also made a few "Engineers" say "I thought you were going to get something off the shelf, for that"
When there was nothing remotely like it avaiable, without a 6-8 week lead time.

Your thoughts?