I guess I'd like to kick in on this one. I think "tek" or "tech" screws are some sort of sheet metal screws either self taping or self threading and you may or may not have to drill a hole first. Bad way of mounting relays or any other component that has moving or vibrating features associated with it. If we look in Article 250.8 for grounding we need two full threads for acceptable grounding connections. Any J-box or "Hoffman" type box designed for mounting equipment contains a back plate feature and a back plate that is about 1/8th inch thick so equipment can be mounted on it with machine thread type screws. The back plate is raised so that the screw does not bottom out and also so it can be loosened, tightened or removed and replaced when the equipment is installed. If you are using any other method your standard is less than mine and probably most inspectors. Maybe a quick JIC standards class would help. As for pulling wires through the box in addition to the relay being properly mounted, I see no problem with that since it is permitted elsewhere in the code. See: 312.8 or 404.3(B)

I have never written 110.12 in 20+ years as an inspector but using "tek" screws to mount a relay would certainly be considered here.

Last edited by George Little; 07/23/10 05:20 PM.

George Little