Good to here. Voltage problems are sometime a booger to chase down with a DMM. Anytime a neutral problem is suspected, I use a Wiggy type solinoid type voltage meter. I had an issue one time at a remote site when I showed and I got the, "Oh while you are here, we are having a problem with this piece of equipment" story. It was never called in so I came unprepared. All I had was my pouch and DMM. the machine was acting hinky and I suspected a neutal problem but the meter kept telling me that was getting good voltage. I was wishing really hard for my wiggy. Instead of charting a float plane to retrieve my meter, I found and old relay (solinoid) of the right voltage. Although the relay would work on a known good circuit, I could not get it to fire in the machine every time I went to the neutral. It turned out that i had a bad neutral switch in the breaker. I got 120 volts with the DMM but nothing for the relay on the load side of the breaker. Since then, I carry my wiggy in my pouch.

Last edited by sparkyinak; 01/19/10 08:25 PM.

"Live Awesome!" - Kevin Carosa