I've been open for 6 years now. Have been thru almost 20 guys. I do better with 2 than with 11. Less theft, horseplay, damage to trucks etc.

Aside from what's already been posted, I'd recommend a good employee manual with a non-compete/confidentially agreement. I bought on online for about $50.00 It was over 80 pages of things like jury duty, vacation pay, deaths in the family, and other things you'll never get around to thinkin about.
Need a tool list.
Late/tardy/sick policy.
Cell policy. (esp for lost/damaged phones)
\BTW I finally got GPS tracking phones (know where they're at and track for the last 30 days) and they keep their timesheets via the phone. No Monday, "uh boss where was i last week?" conversations.
Uniform/dress policy.
Get copies of driver's licenses, etc.
Do a quick backgroung check (molestors).

I could go on but will let someone else chime in.