Greg, I am asumming that you are correct about the water supply pipe being PVC. I haven't been in the crawl space yet. I gotta go now but I will check out 250.104 as soon as I get back. Depending on the inspector, I will most likely have to run a #2 all the way from the new 400 to the water line under the house and within four foot of where it enters. 150 feet. This is going to be an issue as it cannot be run underground. It has to travel through the garage, the breezeway, the house, then down through the house then over to the water line. I hope the inspector can make life a little easier. The customer said if he has to he will hire a carpenter to detach the garage, even if it is only a few inches. But then I have a common slab to content with. Anyone see an issue with the slab?