Very true. I heard of a recent situation where a phone cord was bad at a Wal*Mart recently that ended up being billed at over $350.00 TO PLUG IN A $1.00 CORD! The very same ones that they sell in their electronics department! It's insane. I don't understand why these chains don't allow their management to hire local contractors to work for them direcectly. The money would be spent within the local community, putting money in their customer's pockets instead of someone hundreds of miles away.

I understand that it would probably be a logistical nightmare, but if they looked at the millions of dollars that might be saved in doing business locally, they may think twice. I doubt it though. Under the current national contractor relationships, the little guys get paid a discounted rate, if we get paid at all. The chain store gets their problem fixed quickly and they pay five times what it should have cost. Ahh, the magic of retail.


"But the guy at Home Depot said it would work."