Originally Posted by Trick440
Do you guys see alot of inspectors checking licenses? I have been doing this for 8yrs and I have never been asked for a card.

I didn't have reason to care before, but now with me wanting to go farther in my career and knowing how hard I have worked to get here, I'm more bothered by it.

I have worked for quite a few companies, that have had $13 hr. appentices running crews.

With the economy and how cut throat electrical is already... its gotta hurt when the competition is using apprentices to run crews. They can (and do) have 2 guys crews and have less than $25 per hr. out there wiring houses.

So just curious.. and to any inspectors reading this.... CHECK CARDS!!! ... please smile

... I'll add this too... We have been underbid in residential by a company using mainly apprentices (1 J-men, out of 5 crews)

In NH you have to have a licence for every non-licence on the job