from the top.
Sheath stripper: fit gland through large hole as a 'former' put cable through the gland and rotate the handle. This forma a spiral cut down the sheath like sharpening a pencil.
Next pic, a BIG Pyro bender that I made out of some bar, 2" diameter pipe and a cut up welding gauntlet. [bottom pic is of an adapted factory made bender]
The middle pics are of different types of pot seal crimper,all still usable today. My favourite is the 'vise grip' in the centre. A rare and sought after item today. The 'black sleeve' is for fitting AlCuMIC and MICC wedge seal pots [now discontinued but I will post some pics when I find samples] When sleeve is retracted this tool can be used on todays pyro. Other tools not shown, because I cannot find them!! would be, a ringing tool for forming a straight cut edge to the sheath prior to screwing on the pot along with a pot wrench. A good Electrician can usually complete the termination with just a set of decent side cutters, pliers and a crimper; but it takes years of practice.
This type of termination [gland and screwed pot] is suitable for use in explosive atmospheres and within petrol pump housings subject to type approval of the assembly and suitable stamping accrding to BS 7671