I checked back in the international color codes thread in the technical reference area and it looks as though we missed adding the details on Switzerland that you obtained. I'll have to get Scott to add them.


Current Swiss color coding:
Phases: all colors but blue and yellow-green
Neutral: Blue
Ground: Yellow-green.

Old colors:
Phases: all colors but yellow and yellow-red
Neutral: Yellow
Ground: Yellow-red

I got another, more detailed information on swiss color coding. Until about 1970 Phases red (R), green (S) and dark blue (T). N yellow. PE yellow-red until the 1950ies, later yellow-green.

Phase after fuse often red. Switched phase often blue or green. Got you the following colors to a light fixture: Green, yellow-green and yellow. 3way travelers often white.
In the ca. 90ies introduction of blue neutral, ban of blue phase. Yellow seems to have died out. Phases red, black and white, after fuse often black. Switched neutral whatever, for example green, travelers green as well.

All of your refernces seem to suggest the old neutral color was yellow, but we had the following entry for Swiss appliance cords (line, neutral, ground):
Switzerland: Red, Grey, Yellow or yellow/red.
It seems as though this entry might be rather suspect.