thanks trumpy :

now i get your picture about flashover but some case we do get flashover even in very high humity conditons but not the same as "bolt falut" ( driect short) the last time i see the flash over was few week ago i was working on breaker and the humity was sooo high in one room like steam vapor it was pretty spooky when i see alot of mositure on the wall i say to myself "oh oh merde( a famous four letter word i cant print here)!!!" and i can actally hear the electic crackle (noise) and smell it then turn off the main power source at the main breaker with insluated gloves and hot stick to push breaker off and check the damage and alot of sweat on wire can flashover btw this is a big 480 volts 4500 amp switchborad!! that was amazing to see the flashover for this size and lucky did not blew up

thanks for explain trumpy

ps some very high voltage system can flash over with power surge too

Pas de problme,il marche n'est-ce pas?"(No problem, it works doesn't it?)