Here is a Question that was asked of me today via Email. Not our usual type of question, but I thought maybe someone here might be able to help out.
My mom still has a Grundig record-player that we got in Germany in the early 1960's. It was rather high-priced at the time, or at least, my mom bawled out my dad for spending that much money-he always liked the best. Anyway, the stereo system still works on the AM/FM, but she needs a needle. I am not sure of the model of the turntable, it's been quite a few years since I have seen it, but I would like to get a stylus for her for Christmas. Are they interchangable, or do I need to get a model number. Also, where would I go to get such an item? I have been surfing the web for hours, and your site seems to be one of only two that look promising. Thank You for your help and response, Pamela
