From Windows:

1. Open a window showing the root of drive C:
2. Open a second window on the desktop showing the root of drive D:
3. Make sure that the drive C: window is active, and hit Ctrl-A to mark all files and subdirectories (or be more selective by holding down Ctrl and clicking each entry you want to copy).
4. Right-click the mouse, and select Copy.
5. Move over to the window showing D: and click to make it active.
6. Right-click on the D: window and select Paste.

From the DOS prompt:
To copy the entire contents of C: to D:, issue the command

XCOPY C:\*.* D:\ /S

You can be more selective with filenames if you wish. The /S switch means to include all subdirectories.

Other options are available, depending upon the version. Enter the command XCOPY /? to see a help list.