Actually the plant is still ran manually, I automated the main water source (Trout Lake) the penstock ruptured (6'diameter)and washed out the highway, which is cut into a very steep mountain causing a 150 mile detour. installed presure differental sensers on the penstock to auto. shut the main valve at the Lake. between the sensers being to sensistive and mounted on wrong place on the pipe, and using line of sight antena's instead of a phone line, project took a little over a year and half to get all the bugs worked out.
But this plant still runs when needed (peaking load), it would run all the time but residents in the area with multimillion $$$ homes complain that they dont want any water in the penstock in case it rupture's again. if it did break there would be some spillage of course (big slow closing valve)and about 5 miles of penstock.