Alan, I know it won't provide surge protection. Wouldn't help much as it's only a $3.99 power strip.

Copper might be expensive but, $1,500 will buy a lot of wire.

Try telling that to my father or mother who are too busy doing yard work to worry about the leaky water pipe in my bathroom, or the breaker that kicks everytime I plug an extra computer in for five minutes... I keep telling them to call an electrician, but, hey, Cheaters are 79ยข each, having an electrician install a few new circuits costs $$.

You guys aren't the only ones to deal with this everyday.

Ian (Going to Cobalt Ridge to borrow a bulldozer!) A.

[This message has been edited by Theelectrikid (edited 03-11-2007).]

Is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?