Mr. Cinker,

You hit the nail on the head. Go to Article 90.5(B)Permissive Rules. It will tell you that they are "....allowed but not required....options or alternative methods...."
Notice 220.17 Appliance Load-Dwelling Unit(s) "It shall be permissible to apply a demand factor of 75%....."

Notice 220.18 Electric Clothes Dryers-Dwelling Unit(s) ".....demand factors in Table 220.18 shall be permitted."

The code is saying, "Hey, you don't have to apply these demand factors, but you are allowed to if 'you so desire'."

There are other places in the code that use the permissible rule. So keep your eye out for it. That one rule can change your entire outlook on the code. It gives us freedom within the rules.

For the application that you are involved in, I would consider 525.23(C). What are the conditions surrounding this equipment? Can it be guarded? Can a "written procedure be continually ensure safety..."? If the equipment trips out on GFI, will it endanger persons?

Frank, how about some tickets to the carnival? There's nothing like trying to make a rubber frog "jump" on a lilly pad, or throwing a 3" ring onto a 2 7/8" Coke bottle, or paying $5 for a 2 oz Coke.

I can feel my wallet getting lighter, and I'm not even there,

The Watt Doctor
Altura Cogen
Channelview, TX